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According to the lore of Norwegian fishermen, they can mount upon the fish-attracting kraken as if it were a sand-bank (Fiske-Grund 'fishing shoal'), but if they ever had the misfortune to capture the kraken, getting it entangled on their hooks, the only way to avoid destruction was to pronounce its name to make it go back to its depths.

Dans Return of the Obra Dinn , un kraken géant attaque le bateau et l'équipage de l'Obra Dinn provoquant plusieurs victimes que le joueur doit retrouver.

Kraken, the subject of sailors' superstitions and mythos, was first described in the modern era in a travelogue by Francesco Negri in 1700.

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While Swedish writer Olaus Magnus did not use the term kraken, various sea-monsters were illustrated on his famous map, the Carta marina (1539). Modern writers have since tried to interpret various sea creatures illustrated as a portrayal of the kraken.

The documents include many inaccurate or unfounded election fraud claims we've fact-checked previously.

One of the key pieces of new evidence is provided in a sworn statement by a "Dominion whistleblower", but their name is hidden.

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Desde fines del siglo XVIII, el Kraken se ha representado en varias formas, principalmente como grandes criaturas similares a pulpos, y a menudo se ha afirmado que el Kraken de Pontoppidan podría haberse basado en observaciones de marineros de calamares gigantes. En las primeras descripciones, sin embargo, las criaturas eran más similares a cangrejos parecidos a pulpos y, en general, poseen rasgos que se asocian con las grandes ballenas en lugar de con los calamares gigantes.

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Per quanto riguarda i fumetti, questa creatura compare ad esempio in Kraken, una serie spagnola di Antonio Segura e Jordi Bernet, dove è rappresentata come un mostro simile a una piovra che abita nei sotterranei di una metropoli del futuro, e nei fumetti Marvel della serie di Namor, кракен зеркало dove un kraken è al servizio di un avversario dell'eroe chiamato proprio Comandante Kraken.


Disegno di un polpo gigante di Pierre Denys de Montfort, dalle descrizioni di marinai francesi che sostenevano di essere stati aggrediti da questa creatura al largo dell'Angola (1810).

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